Monday, November 26, 2007


"Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat..." ok, little Einstein's reference...I have a 2 year old and it is on in the background. haha
Here weeeee GO!...Our NEW vacation trippie!
So we just went back in March (Ty was 20 months old at the time) and celebrated our 10 year anniversary!

Tim and I have been married for 10 years, and celebrated our Disneymoon at the Poly in 1997 since then, my Tim has caught the Disney addiction and we have been back many times since, both physically and mentally. Yes, addicted. Tyler seems to have the same Disney fever as one of his favorite shows is the Travel Channel's Walt Disney World special. He has even started reciting some of the dialogue. "I love Disney World, its my favorite place..." as spoken by the cute little girl...or "a dream come truuuue" with his arm raised. Tyler dressed up as Tigger for Halloween...when someone said, "Awww, look at the tiger"...he pointed to himself and said "I'm tigger..." He takes his Disney characters seriously. haha

Here is our little cast of Characters...

DH - Tim... Eyeore (although lately has gotten to be more Buzz'ish) "To Disney World and beyond and lets add some dayssss"
DS - Tyler -Tigger (he gets so bouncy and excited when we talk of Disney World - DeeDee World)
ME - Candace - Tinkerbell (love her sass I must say...and the pixie dust) I do have a soft spot for Flounder (got a tattoo to prove it...had since 18) I was SO excited when I met him last year at the P&P Party! haha I think I was a bit nervous too.

We leave the 27th...
We are driving, and before you gasp at the thought of going with a 2 year old from Maryland to Florida...haha we braved it back in March and it all becomes a part of the adventure. YUP...We did it back in March with Ty - 20 month old at the time and we was a trooper. We had LOTS of activities and I was his personal flight attendant, while Tim was the pilot... We spent the night in Savannah and drove to St. Augustine the next day...and we are gonna do the same thing this time.
This time we arrive in JAX to visit my cousin and then onto St. Augustine to visit my Tim's brother Jerry and SIL Judy. They treat us so nicely. We made them a photobook of the last trip, mixed with other family pictures. I hope they love it.
We leave St. Augustine on the 30th BRIGHT and early to head to DISNEY!!!!

Staying at...
Carribbean Beach Resort!

Nov 30th till Dec 8th

Next up...our ADRs! and should I start packing???

We LEAVE in ONE day!

I am soooo excited!
And,, not packed yet. I am such a last minute chick. I have done LOTS of laundry... Tim on the other hand, been packed for a week or so. haha
Will check in later.
I started a trip report a little while back..i think I will post that.

We LEAVE in ONE day!

Friday, November 9, 2007

And then, and then....

There are 17 days and I might burst!
I just read how Cindy's castle has a special light show and it is breathtaking!
Tingled with excitement!
I am already soaking it all it and I am not there yet. I really think part of the Dis vacation is the whole anticipation of the trip.
The "getting" ready. Disney dreams are the best. And the coolest thing is what you build in your mind does not compare to whats to come. I am always blown away. So...on that note!
17 days and 15 hours and 38 minutes and by the time you read this, it will be less than that.

I am gonna start the "laundry" today of Ty's things to sort through what I want to take and what I need to get.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

18 DAYS!

OK...starting to do the vacation, I am not ready, FREAK OUT...
I am ready and I cannot WAIT...but there is SO much left to do!
We leave in 18 days..driving on our way to Fla!
I cannot wait to get the Christmas holidays celebrated...Dis Stylie!
Tyler LOVES watching the Travel Channel Disney World show we have DVR'd.
I must say, at 2 years old, he is deep already in the Disney addiction! haha
So what do we need to do...
Packing list...a packing list will help.
Gotta remember detergent and dryer sheets...
Buying it at the resort is expensive and not the stuff I like.
Dish detergent too for Ty's little cups.
I have to make a list of clothing...
I am not sure what kind of weather we will have.
From what I hear, 70s during the day...but REAL chilly at night.
I have to email my cousin, who we are gonna visit on our way :)
So MUCH to do!
See how far my thoughts DIDN'T get! haha

Sunday, October 14, 2007